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CranioSacral Therapy

"I came into your office feeling tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.  After my Cranioscacral session I am leaving your office feeling calm, energized and pain free.  This modality is amazing!"

-Deborah Grace

"After my Craniosacral session with you yesterday my chronic neck pain is gone.  Thank you so much, Karen.

 I feel great!"

-Mary Brinkman
What to expect during a CranioSacral session

As in any session with me, we will do a verbal check in at the beginning of the session to clarify what your needs are, how you are feeling, and what your goals might be for our session together.  It could be you are looking to relieve chronic neck pain, to something more subtle, like emotional and mental well-being, or stress reduction. After we clearly determine your goals for the session,  I will the leave the room,  allowing you to take a moment to get settled on the massage table, fully clothed and face up. The session is done in silence and feels deeply relaxing and restorative.  As mentioned above the pressure of my touch is very light and comfortable.




How Does CranioSacral Therapy work?



Life expresses itself as motion. At a deep level of our physiological functioning all healthy, living tissues subtly "breathe" with the motion of life - a phenomenon that produces rhythmic impulses which can be palpated by sensitive hands. The presence of these subtle rhythms in the body was discovered by osteopath Dr. William Sutherland over 100 years ago, after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialized articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr. Sutherland realized that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion. He undertook many years of research, during which he demonstrated the existence of this motion and eventually concluded it is essentially produced by the body's inherent life force.  He referred to this life force as the "Breath of Life", now referred to as the craniolsacral rhythm. Furthermore, Dr. Sutherland discovered that the motion of cranial bones he first discovered is closely connected to subtle movements that involve a network of interrelated tissues and fluids at the core of the body; including cerebrospinal fluid (the 'sap in the tree'), the central nervous system, and the membranes that surround the central nervous system and the sacrum.


The craniolsacral rhythm acts as a blueprint for health, which is present from the time of our early embryological development, and is the fundamental factor that maintains balance in our form and function. Thus, the ability of cells and tissues to express this inherent energetic motion is a critical factor in determining our state of health - when these rhythms are expressed in fullness and balance, health and well-being naturally follow.


During the course of our lives our bodies become patterned, shaped and conditioned according to how we are able to deal with life's stresses and traumas. If stresses or traumas are overwhelming, they become locked in the body as sites of inertia - until such a time as we are able to access resources that allow them to be processed and released. These sites of inertia effect the natural rhythmical movements of the craniolsacral system, and so hinder the ability of our essential blueprint for health to manifest at a cellular level. Common causes of inertia are physical injuries, emotional and psychological stresses, birth trauma and toxicity. Due to an accumulation of these stresses, tissues can become imprinted with the memory of unresolved blocks.


The emphasis in CranioSacral bodywork is to help resolve the trapped forces that underlie and govern patterns of disease and fragmentation in both body and mind. This involves the practitioner "listening through the hands" to the body's subtle rhythms and any patterns of inertia or congestion. Through the development of subtle palpatory skills, the practitioner can read the story of the body, identify places where issues are held, and then follow the natural priorities for healing as directed by the patient¹s own physiology.


Here is video of a therapist demonstrating a CranioSacral Session.


Optimize your health and well being today. 

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